
Ron Marz, Darryl Banks Team for WW2 Harken’s Raiders Comic

Created by Ron Marz

The legendary Green Lantern Emerald Twilight creative team of writer Ron Marz and artist Darryl Banks join forces again to tell a story of World War 2 heroism and adventure in HARKEN'S RAIDERS. The project also includes the first collection of Darryl Banks' artwork, BLACK BOOK: THE ART OF DARRYL BANKS!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Digital Delivery!
about 5 years ago – Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 06:06:45 PM

Hello, Raiders! We have a mission report! Today we will deliver your digital download of the Harken’s Raiders graphic novel via email. Your digital copies can be accessed by using the code that is provided. The code can be found in your download instructions. If you do not receive an email, please check your spam folder. For any questions, concerns or comments with your download, please contact us at: [email protected]

Physical copies of Harken’s Raiders and Black Book: The Art of Darryl Banks are due to be delivered from the printer to our fulfillment facility soon. As soon as both hardcovers are delivered, all rewards will be packed securely, and shipping will commence immediately.

We hope you enjoy your digital download. We’ll be getting your physical rewards in your hands as soon as possible. As always, we are grateful for your support!

Survey Sez!
over 5 years ago – Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 11:54:34 PM

Mission update: Harken’s Raiders Backerkit surveys have been sent out! It’s vitally important that you fill out these surveys. Without the necessary information that these surveys provide, we cannot ship your rewards to you. If you do not receive your survey via email, remember to check your spam folders. If you have any concerns or questions, please email us at: [email protected]

All files are final, and at the printer, and will go on the press soon. As soon as the books are printed and shipped to our facility, our team will begin fulfilling orders. 

Some news on a few of the rewards: because response for the Challenge Coin and Harken’s Raiders Patch was quite limited, we will not be producing those items, unfortunately. Backers for those items will be offered a choice of a refund for that portion of their pledges, or a substitute item with a higher dollar value. Likewise, the Craig Cermak and Amrit Birdi variant covers will be produced inside the book as part of the pin-up gallery, rather than separate covers. Backers for those covers will be offered a choice of a refund for that portion of their pledges, or a substitute item with a higher dollar value. Thanks for your understanding in this situation. 

We’re so thankful for your continued patience and support. Your rewards will be in you hands soon!

Mission to Baltimore!
over 5 years ago – Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 04:31:17 PM

The Harken’s Raiders team will descend upon the Baltimore Comic Con on Oct. 18-20! Held at the Baltimore Convention Center in the inner harbor, and known as a comic con that puts complete emphasis on comics, Baltimore Comic Con has long been a favorite show for fans and pros alike.

Making their first appearance at BCC will be Harken’s Raiders artists Darryl Banks and Sean Izaakse (all the way from South Africa!), along with creator Allen Cordrey. Darryl, Sean, and Allen will be located in booth #923 all weekend.

Also appearing at BCC is writer Ron Marz, who will be joined in booth #2411 by artists Bart Sears, Rick Leonardi, and Andy Smith. There will be a wide range of Ominous Press books available at booth #2411, including all three volumes of the just-published Dreadstar Omnibus by Jim Starlin, as well as the Black Book series of art books featuring Jim Starlin, Bart Sears, Andy Smith, and Graham Nolan, and graphic novels and comics.

The Harken’s Raiders oversize hardcover will not be back from the printer in time for Baltimore Comic Con, so we’ve put together a very special, very limited comic containing the first 20 pages of the story, wrapped in an exclusive variant cover by Sean Izaakse featuring everybody’s favorite bulldog, Alfie. The comic is limited to 42 hand-numbered copies (since our story takes place in 1942), and sells for $10.

Saturday at Baltimore Comics will also bring a panel featuring the Harken’s Raiders team, especially Ron and Darryl talking about reuniting, as well as their landmark Green Lantern run. Taking place 5:15 p.m.-6:15 p.m. Saturday, in room 339-342, here’s the panel’s description:

From Green Lantern to Harken's Raiders:

Ron Marz and Darryl Banks Together Again

Writer Ron Marz and artist Darryl Banks teamed up for one of the most acclaimed Green Lantern runs ever, co-creating Green Lantern Kyle Rayner. Now they're back together again for a World War 2 graphic novel Harken's Raiders for Ominous Press. Join Ron and Darryl as they discuss projects new and old, along with South African artist Sean Izaakse, currently drawing Fantastic Four and a special Harken's Raiders short story, and Harken's creator Allen Cordrey.

See you in Baltimore!

Buttoned Up, and Headed to Print!
over 5 years ago – Wed, Oct 09, 2019 at 03:01:03 PM

The hardcover Harken’s Raiders is complete, proofed and will be sent off to the printer by week’s end, along with Black Book: The Art of Darryl Banks. It’s been a long road, longer than we anticipated, but we’ve taken great care with every element to make both books as perfect as we can make them.

Here’s a peek at the front and back covers of the hardcover Harken’s Raiders, before some changes to the details.

We’ll start sending out BackerKit surveys very soon, so please check your email, particularly your spam folders, if your survey does not arrive. We cannot send your rewards if you do not fill out the survey and provide the needed information.

Check back in a few days for a rundown of the Harken’s plans for the upcoming Baltimore Comic Con, where Ron Marz, Darryl Banks, Sean Izaakse, and Allen Cordrey will all be in attendance as guests. We’ve got something special up our sleeve!

Mission (Almost) Accomplished!
over 5 years ago – Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 12:46:01 AM

It's been a long road, but all the art for Harken's Raiders has been completed! We are so appreciative of your patience as the amazing Sean Izaakse finished the art for his Alfie backup story, written by Ron Marz. As the new artist on Fantastic Four, Sean had to pull double duty to keep up with all his deadlines, but we think you'll agree it was worth the wait. The story looks amazing, as does the work of Darryl Banks on the lead feature. 

We're in the final stages of production on the book, getting the last few pages colored and lettered. We've even started design and pagination proofs already, and we're pretty thrilled with how the whole package is coming together, including the gorgeous pin-up section. We expect the the entire volume to be complete and send to our printer in just a week or two. Then our Harken's hardcovers will be printed and shipped to our offices, ready for fulfillment. 

We'll be back with another update soon, as we get ready to send out the Backerkit surveys, which will enable you to get your rewards. And stay tuned for a special announcement about the Harken's Raiders crew and October's Baltimore Comic Con!